Physics Research


My research explores “the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems” and broadly falls into the burgeoning field of nonlinear and statistical physics

Most recently, I am investigating two research questions: 

In recent years, I have also worked on:

I have studied - both experimentally and numerically - systems as varied as:

In all of these systems, nonlinearity and lattice/network geometry play important roles, as they enable and guide processes of patterns formation. In some systems, frustration and ground-state degeneracy also becomes important considerations. 

Broadly speaking, I aim to experimentally characterize emergent patterns, study their onset and  boundaries in parameter space, and to formulate mathematical models which allow a numerical and/or analytical exploration. Ideas from the field of dynamical systems (such as fixed points, stability, bifurcation, hysteresis) are essential in this endeavor.

Other interests include the Calculus of Variations, magnetism and spin resonance, microwave spectroscopy, medical imagining techniques, and issues within the philosophy of science.